Information and Technology Services

The IT Helpdesk deals with desktop computing hardware and software installation and support. The Helpdesk Team is also responsible for providing staff training on both computer-based and web-based software programs.

The IT Engineering group works primarily behind the scenes to provide a myriad of services to the community, including the creation and operation of core IT services for the IMSA community (email, web, file storage, printing, databases, directory services, etc.); creation and operation of secure, reliable and robust systems; installation and maintenance of IT infrastructure (servers, storage, network, etc.); design and maintenance of software tools; installation and operation of systems providing data to the IMSA community; and creation and maintenance of IT policies, standards and guidelines.

The Instructional Technology and Media Center (ITMC), located in B127, provides the IMSA community with instructional technology and media resources designed to encourage innovative teaching and learning practices and provide an outlet for creativity.


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