Welcome back Class of 2016! I hope you will enjoy this virtual collection of materials that would have been retrieved from Archives and displayed on a table for you to peruse during reunion. Although we cannot meet in person, I hope to see you live, via zoom, at the Virtual Archives Open House on November 20th.
Dr. Christian D. Nokkentved, IMSA History Faculty Emeritus | Volunteer Archivist
Board of Trustees Alumni Awards
2016 IMSAloquium, Student Investigation Showcase
2015 IMSAloquium, Student Investigation Showcase
Commencement of the Class of 2016
Using Resting-State Functional Connectivity of the Basal Ganglia as a Biomarker for Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease
Role of Pseudogenes in Cancer Stem Creation Via High Nitric Oxide (HNO) Adaptation
Molecular Mechanisms of Squamous Cell Carcinoma Tumor Stem Cell Creation via High Nitric Oxide (HNO) Adaptation
YES, STEM is for ALL: Diverse Perspectives on Black and Latino STEM Motivation
Santo, El enmascarado de plata
"The Little Things"
Ceramic Teapot