2022 Intern Reports



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Asgard Data is a data analysis-focused company that helps specifically non-profits derive meaning from their data. The focus of the business project surrounded the most effective ways to analyze data, aid in website design, and explore the structure of small businesses and their needs.

Over the past six months, the company benefited through the implementation of various updates to the style and message of their home website. This was coupled with valuable insights into the backend of their website alongside potential hurdles they would have to address to
further edit the content and deliverance of the page. Additionally, in the realm of data analysis, the company gained more hands as it dipped into Azure DevOps, exploring the various data sets from non-profits they were supplied in order to gain insights.

Through regular meetings and independent research, the Asgard Data team provided guidance towards valuable insight in novel Data Science concepts, product marketing, and client relations. There was significant time spent working hands-on with the platform landing page to
become proficient with version control and developer operations. Working with the team allowed for a glimpse into the data science world, and an eagerness for future opportunities to apply this new knowledge

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Data Science for Nonprofits with Asgard Data



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