Publications & Research
The Case
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
IMSA, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, Standards of Significant Learning, student performance, Career Development Reinforcing Excellence, CADRE, instruction
The internationally recognized Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy® (IMSA) was created by the State of Illinois to develop talent in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. IMSA enrolls a diverse pool of academically talented Illinois students (grades 10-12) in its advanced, residential college preparatory program. It also serves thousands of educators and students in Illinois and beyond through innovative instructional programs designed to foster imagination and inquiry (see www.imsa.edu).
Recommended Citation
McGee, Glenn "Max," and Christopher Kolar. "The Case" Impacts of Teacher Evaluation and Professional Development on Student Outcomes. Ed. Edward Crowe, Rena F. Subotnik. Charlotte: Information Age Publishing, 2012. 1-22. Print.