Publications & Research
Document Type
Conference Paper/Presentation
Presented at the 2019 National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) Convention
Publication Date
Learners who advocate for themselves are more apt to discover the intellectual challenges they want and need. Systemic barriers, however, can keep students from finding/using their own voices. Panelists share ways to empower the self-advocacy of underserved gifted students - specifically those who are Black, Hispanic, Native American, low SES, and Black and Latinx females in STEM.
Recommended Citation
Douglas, Deb; Davis, Joy; Brulles, Dina; Gentry, Marcia; Stambaugh, Tamra; and Coleman, Adrienne, "Breaking Barriers: Self-Advocacy Essentials for Underserved Gifted Learners" (2019). Publications & Research. 45.
PowerPoint with notes