FDR, the Quarantine Speech, and the Coming of World War II
Grade Level
High School (9th-12th)
Social Studies
Start Date
28-2-2020 1:15 PM
End Date
28-2-2020 3:00 PM
Teach the coming of World War II utilizing historical documents. Utilizing the context of the Quarantine Speech in particular participants will leave this session with techniques and content that permit a rich discussion of FDR's foreign policy in the years leading up to and including Lend-Lease.
FDR, the Quarantine Speech, and the Coming of World War II
Teach the coming of World War II utilizing historical documents. Utilizing the context of the Quarantine Speech in particular participants will leave this session with techniques and content that permit a rich discussion of FDR's foreign policy in the years leading up to and including Lend-Lease.