Session #4

A full day virtual conference featuring over 20 different sessions including: K-2 Young Mathematicians, Einstein for K-5, Integrating STEM and Literature, 6th-8th Efficient Inquiry, Breaking Science Silos, and the G-Suite Life. Participants can choose from 4 different sessions each hour. Sessions will also be recorded for future viewing.

  • Session #4 | 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

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Friday, March 4th
12:30 PM

Code of the Wild

Patrick Young, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Grades: K-2

Children love to tell stories about animals. Using free software called ScratchJr, K-2 students can learn the basics of computer coding while creating animated stories on their laptops and tablets. The focus of our stories will be the way in which animals interact with each other and their environments.

Context is Critical: K-5 Three-Act Math Tasks

Lindsey Herlehy, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Grades: 5-8

Mathematicians view mathematics within interesting and natural contexts. In this session, participants will engage and explore Three-Act Math Tasks; a story-telling pedagogical strategy that elicits student curiosity, collaboration, and questioning while redefining the term “real-world context” and the role that students play in the learning process. Resources will be provided.

How Do I Track My Shipment?

David Hernandez, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Grades: 6-8

For centuries, GPS locations were determined with the assistance of an eclipse. Using this method, Eratosthenes was able to calculate the circumference of the world and divide it into a grid plane. Now, we have degrees of latitude and longitude which are invisible lines that divide the earth. These lines are used to locate countries, cities, packages, shipments and landmarks in a quick and precise way. In this featured activity, students will track shipment’s location by using computational strategies to solve a series of mathematical problems representative of GPS coordinates.


Elizabeth Martinez, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Grades: 6-8

Roughly 3,500 square miles and the first National Park, Yellowstone is choked full of engaging science opportunities. Thermophiles, earthquakes, chemistry, geology, and human impact will be explored and connected to NGSS.