STEM Bites (Grades 2-6)
IMSA-created, quick activities introduced by our mascot, Darwin the bearded dragon, and his furry friends. These are activities students can do on their own, targeted to grades 2-6. There is no cost to download/access.
STEM Plans (Grades 3-8)
IMSA-created, longer activities needing a parent or adult to help guide students through them. For grades 3-8—there is no cost to download/access.
STEM Bites (Grades 2-6)
A Toy for Daisy - (What makes a boomerang come back around?), Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, Center for Teaching and Learning
Bodie's Water Bowl Struggles (Can we make a water fountain that doesn't need electricity?), Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, Center for Teaching and Learning
What Makes Bread Fluffier than Crepes? (Science with Mr. Bread, Miss Crepe, & Senorita Yeast!), Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, Center for Teaching and Learning
STEM Plans (Grades 3-8)
Chewing Gum Challenge - 7 years to digest?, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, Center for Teaching and Learning
Dig It Up – Archaeology, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, Center for Teaching and Learning
Dinosaur Dig Pits, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, Center for Teaching and Learning