The Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy is the nation’s first three year public residential institution for high school age students academically talented in science, mathematics, and technology.
The pages linked below lead to transcripts, video recordings and photographs of the interviewed subjects. They provide insights into the life and culture of the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy.
Interviews from 2009
Dr. Leon Lederman, Gabriel Demombynes ’89, Jeffrey Truitt ’89, and Dr. Stephanie Pace Marshall, Leon Lederman, Gabriel Demombynes '89, Jeffrey Truitt '89, and Stephanie Pace Marshall
Dr. Leon Lederman, Brian Maier ’89, Kevin Schraith ’89, and Dr. Stephanie Pace Marshall, Leon Lederman, Brian Maier '89, Kevin Schraith '89, and Stephanie Pace Marshall
Dr. Leon Lederman and Dr. Stephanie Pace Marshall : Segment 1, Leon Lederman and Stephanie Pace Marshall
Dr. Leon Lederman and Dr. Stephanie Pace Marshall : Segment 2, Leon Lederman and Stephanie Pace Marshall
Dr. Leon Lederman, Stephen Moore ’89, Jill Mitchell '89, Rebecca Arnal '89, and Dr. Stephanie Pace Marshall, Leon Lederman, Stephen Moore '89, Jill Mitchell '89, Rebecca Arnal '89, and Stephanie Pace Marshall
Dr. Leon Lederman, Terri Willard ’89, David Kung '89, and Dr. Stephanie Pace Marshall, Leon Lederman, Terri Willard '89, David Kung '89, and Stephanie Pace Marshall