Publications & Research
STEAMing Up Algebra: Connecting Concepts & Engaging Students with Activities that Utilize Technology
Document Type
Conference Paper/Presentation
Publication Date
8-12 grade teachers will discover and experience tech-based activities for enhancing the teaching and learning of algebra concepts: create designs w/ ordered pairs (CNC Machine), replicate flags w/ equations/inequalities (Desmos/GeoGebra), solve a system of equations to reinterpret a crash (CBR), simulate a parabolic action (Phet.Colorado.Edu), model a quadratic regression (Graphing Calculators and/or and Desmos), and capture video to collect/graph/analyze data (Physlets.org/Tracker).
Recommended Citation
Remijan, Kelly W., "STEAMing Up Algebra: Connecting Concepts & Engaging Students with Activities that Utilize Technology" (2022). Publications & Research. 40.