Grade Level

Elementary (K-5), Middle (6th-8th), High School (9th-12th)



Start Date

28-2-2020 1:15 PM

End Date

28-2-2020 3:00 PM


In this session, IMSA students and faculty will share their experiences with using a strong inquiry model of teaching and learning. Students will share their excitement and frustrations with learning to ask questions to drive their learning. Faculty will share their successes and evidence on the power of this type of learning. Attendees are encouraged to ask questions and engage in the conversation.


Feb 28th, 1:15 PM Feb 28th, 3:00 PM

Inquiry Based Teaching & Learning Panel

In this session, IMSA students and faculty will share their experiences with using a strong inquiry model of teaching and learning. Students will share their excitement and frustrations with learning to ask questions to drive their learning. Faculty will share their successes and evidence on the power of this type of learning. Attendees are encouraged to ask questions and engage in the conversation.


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