DigitalCommons@IMSA - Professional Learning Day: Session 3d: Wind Energy

Session Number

Double Session 3 & 4


Lab A200 (2nd floor) - NOTE: Double Session

Start Date

2-3-2018 1:00 PM

End Date

2-3-2018 2:50 PM


Design, construction, and testing will occur in two stages involving blade shape and number followed by wind tracking and generator gearing. Three NGSS Engineering Standards (Global Issue, Problem Breakdown, and Optimization) are directly addressed. Scientific concepts include circuitry, power, mechanical advantage, and rotational motion.

Wind Energy.pdf (287 kB)


Mar 2nd, 1:00 PM Mar 2nd, 2:50 PM

Session 3d: Wind Energy

Lab A200 (2nd floor) - NOTE: Double Session

Design, construction, and testing will occur in two stages involving blade shape and number followed by wind tracking and generator gearing. Three NGSS Engineering Standards (Global Issue, Problem Breakdown, and Optimization) are directly addressed. Scientific concepts include circuitry, power, mechanical advantage, and rotational motion.


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