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Pictured left to right:
Dr. José M. Torres, IMSA President; Pranav Sivakumar ‘17; Dr. Marie Dillon Dahleh, IMSA Principal
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Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, IMSA, STEM, residential high school, gifted, alumni, alumni recognition
IMSA Principal Dr. Marie Dahleh spoke about the extraordinary accomplishments of Junior Pranav Sivakumar ‘17, whose original research recently won him the Virgin Galactic Pioneer Award at the 2015 Google Science Fair. Pranav was also recently acknowledged by President Barack Obama, who spoke at length about the IMSA student at the White House Astronomy Night event in October. “IMSA seeks to expand our understanding of the world around us, and this is a core focus of Pranav Sivakumar’s research,” Dr. Dahleh said. State Representative Ed Sullivan also issued a certificate of recognition for the student from Tower Lakes, which is a part of Rep. Sullivan’s district.