DigitalCommons Documents

DigitalCommons: Report to the Board 2013

Jean Bigger, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Glenn W. "Max" McGee, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Diana Sharp, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Paula Garrett, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy


For the March 13, 2013 Board Meeting featured agenda item, Max McGee, Diana Sharp, Jean Bigger and Paula Garrett will give an overview on IMSA Scholarship. Ms. Bigger will demonstrate the growth and development of DigitalCommons@IMSA ( by guiding us through a brief virtual tour of the website. Ms. Garrett will provide a statistical update on content and usage. The presentation also will clarify historical and current documentation related to expectations for producing scholarship, identify impediments to doing so, and conclude with plans for supporting more scholarship generation in the future, plus address how we are using data to improve the DigitalCommons system.