"Reflections on Apollo" by Eugene A. Cernan

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During 20 years as a Naval Aviator, including 13 years with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Captain Eugene A. Cernan left his mark on history with three historic missions in space as the Pilot of Gemini IX (1966), the Lunar Module Pilot of Apollo X (1969), and the Commander of Apollo XVII (1972). After flying to the moon not once, but twice, he also holds the distinction of being the second American to walk in space and the last man to have left his footprints on the lunar surface.

Captain Cernan received a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University in 1956 and a Master of Science degree in Aeronautical Engineering from the United States Naval Post Graduate School in 1963. He has received numerous honorary degrees, military awards, and civilian honors, ranging from selection to the U.S. Space Hall of Fame to a television Emmy. Today, he is Executive Consultant to SpaceHab, Engineering Services, which has responsibilities to the Space Shuttle, International Space Station and future programs for man to explore the solar system. He has recently authored his autobiography The Last Man on the Moon.

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