2020 Intern Reports



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Hespr is a start-up that focuses on promoting mental health by providing an app for the community. While the app is still in its early access program, Hespr's development team has been working diligently to improve various aspects and features. Throughout my internship, many tasks and projects were completed, such as user outreach, graphic design, written reports, and research. The objectives of this business project involved gathering information on how to analyze competitors and their marketing strategies efficiently and how to identify competitors' strengths and weaknesses effectively. My internship has provided me with valuable findings, leading me to conclude that efficiently analyzing competitors comes in a three-step process: collect competitor's information, company comparison, and implementation. In terms of identifying marketing strengths and weaknesses, it is best to examine one's social media campaigns and executions. I am very thankful for this rewarding opportunity and the immense amount of skills I have gained, such as social media strategies, communication, research tactics, etc. I am looking forward to seeing Hespr continue the efficiency and productivity of developing the app and launch it to more users

Publication Date



Ethan Talreja; Hespr Inc., CEO


Innovation, Workforce Development, Career Pathways, Career Development


Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations

Marketing Experience: Analysis of Competitors



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