2020 Intern Reports



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“Baby boomer,” “millennial,” and “Generations X and Z” are all familiar terms referring to the different Western cultural generations beginning from the late nineteenth century. And as they all signify a period of time in history, there are an array of associated ideas, beliefs, and traditions that come along with each. This research paper serves to explore how design and social media platforms can best cater to audiences of all generations, taking into account the differences in interests, opinions, and tendencies of each. Through observations and studies, it’s most effective to approach the audience in an attitude that is equally diverse as it is, finding a harmony between the two ends of the spectrum, and maintaining diversity and inclusivity. After presenting these findings, key learning takeaways and suggestions for future social media outreach are discussed.

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Britta McKenna; Encoure Batavia under Four Hawks, LLC


Innovation, Workforce Development, Career Pathways, Career Development


Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations

Summer Internship Report



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