2020 Intern Reports



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Block Bins is a compost collection company based in Chicago that creates food scrap drop off points using shared bins, providing an inexpensive solution to people who want to compost their food scrap. This service is enabled with a website, automation, and data collection & analysis, which were developed and improved over the course of this internship. The goal of this project was to improve the current website with an updated front-end that uses modern web frameworks and a revised back-end that is better tailored to the Block Binsuse-case. These improvements would reduce reliance on third-party software and developers, and automate more of Block Bins’ workflows. Working on the front-end of the website gave me the opportunity to learn Vue.js, a front-end JavaScript framework, and to utilize the Leaflet API in order to render maps.Developing with Vue.js was a significant aspect of this internship as the framework is increasing quickly in popularity due to all the functionality it provides. Back-end work entailed using Node.js to write scripts that compile collection statistics for each bin, and then analyze the statistics to determine optimal service intervals, and detect overuse, theft, and service issues. Through this process we created a JSON data model for Block Bins to structure its back-end and front-end development around, which will provide guidance for future web development.

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Dane Christianson; Block Bins LLC, CEO


Innovation, Workforce Development, Career Pathways, Career Development


Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations

Web Developing with Block Bins



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