Oral Histories

Dr. Leon Lederman, Terri Willard ’89, David Kung '89, and Dr. Stephanie Pace Marshall

Streaming Media


Dr. Leon Lederman, Terri Willard ’89, David Kung '89, and Dr. Stephanie Pace Marshall


Download Senior photo of David Kung (20.3 MB)

Download Senior photo of Terri Willard (31.5 MB)


Dr. Leon Lederman, Terri Willard '89, David Kung ’89, and Dr. Stephanie Pace Marshall discuss the early years of IMSA and the charter class experience. Willard and Kung start by recalling how they decided to come to IMSA. Dr. Pace Marshall asks them about their earliest memories of the school. They remember the challenges of living away from home. Dr. Lederman asks them to reflect on their learning experiences. Experiential learning stands out for both Willard and Kung - visiting a cemetery for history class, performing Shakespeare's Tempest for English, teaching peers calculus in math class - and the innovative approaches of the teachers. Dr. Pace Marshall asks how the IMSA experience changed them, and both speak to it as a gift. All four participants in the conversation speak to how the sorts of opportunities IMSA offers might be extended or applied to other students.

Recorded at the 2009 Alumni Reunion by IMSA Media Services.

Duration: 0:14:52




charter class, history classes, English classes, math classes, faculty, residential life


Oral History


Digital Video Recording


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Dr. Leon Lederman, Terri Willard ’89, David Kung '89, and Dr. Stephanie Pace Marshall
