Publications & Research
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underrepresented students, underrepresented learners, underserved students, pipeline programs, URP, diverse STEM talent, achievement gap, STEM education, multicultural science education, IMSA Promise, Project School Visit, PSV, leading students to success, LS2S, summerenrichment for academics in mathematics and science, SEAMS, early involvement program, EIP, PROMISE and Excel Extension Program, stimulate interest in STEM, diverse illinois student populations
“Your PROMISE Program has been the life-line to extend and enhance the knowledge base for these students…by providing them with the time to develop seemingly outlandish ideas or tease their brains with the “what if” possibilities…you are making such a huge difference in the lives of these inner city youth who, otherwise, would not be privy to this level of academic exposure until much later on in their academic pursuits” (McNeal, 2013).
What educator writes such impassioned comments about an enrichment program designed to ignite and nurture talented underrepresented and underserved students?
Recommended Citation
Coleman, A., Miller, B. J. (2014). The IMSA© PROMISE: Igniting and Nurturing Diverse STEM Talent. IAGC Journal.
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Gifted Education Commons, Other Education Commons, Science and Mathematics Education Commons
IAGC Journal