DigitalCommons@IMSA - Professional Learning Day: Session D-1: Speed!

Session Number


Start Date

28-2-2014 12:30 PM

End Date

28-2-2014 1:30 PM


Varrrrooooooommmmmm!! This hour long session will be over before you know it as we explore the concept of average speed to investigate the use of inquiry to engage student interest and involve them in scientific practices. Attendees participate in an activity that offers a glimpse into the award-winning IMSA FUSION program, and develop ideas to apply the strategies in their own classrooms. Valid driver’s license required. (Just kidding!)


Feb 28th, 12:30 PM Feb 28th, 1:30 PM

Session D-1: Speed!

Varrrrooooooommmmmm!! This hour long session will be over before you know it as we explore the concept of average speed to investigate the use of inquiry to engage student interest and involve them in scientific practices. Attendees participate in an activity that offers a glimpse into the award-winning IMSA FUSION program, and develop ideas to apply the strategies in their own classrooms. Valid driver’s license required. (Just kidding!)


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