DigitalCommons@IMSA - Professional Learning Day: Session C-2: A War Still Haunts a Planet: World War One, 1914-1918

Session C-2: A War Still Haunts a Planet: World War One, 1914-1918

Presenter Information

Howard J. Romanek

Session Number


Grade Level

Grade Levels: HS

Start Date

4-3-2016 12:30 PM

End Date

4-3-2016 1:30 PM


During the four years of war, 65 million men from thirty countries fought, and the average daily death toll was six thousand. The session will quickly review the 900 year period leading up to World War I, the important questions that must be raised about what happened during those four years of conflict, and the impact of World War I still being felt today. Is World War I a major turning point that is still not understood 100 years later?


Mar 4th, 12:30 PM Mar 4th, 1:30 PM

Session C-2: A War Still Haunts a Planet: World War One, 1914-1918

During the four years of war, 65 million men from thirty countries fought, and the average daily death toll was six thousand. The session will quickly review the 900 year period leading up to World War I, the important questions that must be raised about what happened during those four years of conflict, and the impact of World War I still being felt today. Is World War I a major turning point that is still not understood 100 years later?