Grade Level

Early Childhood (PreK-2), Elementary (K-5), Middle (6th-8th), High School (9th-12th), Specialists


Physical Education, Health, Wellness

Start Date

28-2-2020 8:15 AM

End Date

28-2-2020 10:00 AM


Working in education can be one of the most fulfilling jobs, but the current climate for many staff is filled with stress and frustration. With teachers feeling underappreciated and overworked, mental health issues are on the rise and the climate of many schools has had a negative turn. This session will discuss topics around compassion fatigue, negativity, not feeling connected, and overall discomfort to change.

Teacher Burnout.pdf (1430 kB)


Feb 28th, 8:15 AM Feb 28th, 10:00 AM

Stress in Education: Finding Solutions to Combat Negativity and Burnout

Working in education can be one of the most fulfilling jobs, but the current climate for many staff is filled with stress and frustration. With teachers feeling underappreciated and overworked, mental health issues are on the rise and the climate of many schools has had a negative turn. This session will discuss topics around compassion fatigue, negativity, not feeling connected, and overall discomfort to change.


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