Exploring "Thought Experiments"
Grade Level
Elementary (K-5)
Math, Science, Technology, STEM
Start Date
28-2-2020 8:15 AM
End Date
28-2-2020 10:00 AM
Have you ever wondered why some people are very good with directions, excellent at solving mental problems, or adept furniture builders without reading the manual? During this lesson, students will explore the ability to take in visual information and organize it in their minds to define a new possible solution and see things with a new prospective. Students will conduct a series of experiments using their imagination as a tool in evaluating a hypothesis.
Exploring "Thought Experiments"
Have you ever wondered why some people are very good with directions, excellent at solving mental problems, or adept furniture builders without reading the manual? During this lesson, students will explore the ability to take in visual information and organize it in their minds to define a new possible solution and see things with a new prospective. Students will conduct a series of experiments using their imagination as a tool in evaluating a hypothesis.