Grade Level

Elementary (K-5


Math, Science

Start Date

28-2-2020 10:15 AM

End Date

28-2-2020 12:00 PM


Card sorts tend to make students do the "thing" we value most: talk. Beyond making matches, card sorts provide opportunities for students to classify, rank, sequence, and mind map while setting a natural context for argumentation and use of the claim-evidence-reasoning framework. Join me for a series of card sorts to explore how this easy-to-prep tool will encourage your students to reason and think critically. Math and science resources will be shared.

Teacher and Student resources available for download


Feb 28th, 10:15 AM Feb 28th, 12:00 PM

Teaching with a Full Deck: Card Sorts

Card sorts tend to make students do the "thing" we value most: talk. Beyond making matches, card sorts provide opportunities for students to classify, rank, sequence, and mind map while setting a natural context for argumentation and use of the claim-evidence-reasoning framework. Join me for a series of card sorts to explore how this easy-to-prep tool will encourage your students to reason and think critically. Math and science resources will be shared.

Teacher and Student resources available for download


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