Session 2 | Inspire and Ignite 2024

Get ready to ignite your passion and share your expertise with colleagues at the upcoming Inspire and Ignite Symposium on October 17th! This event is an opportunity for us all to take pride in being part of IMSA and to be energized by the chance to learn, grow, and inspire each other.

  • Session #2 | 10:55 am - 11:45 am

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Thursday, October 17th
10:55 AM

Creating Art in AI

Joyce Symoniak, Illinois Mathematics and Science Acadmey


10:55 AM - 11:45 AM

Igniting the Interdisciplinary: Forging Connections Across the Academy

Dr. Ashley Ott, Illinois Math and Science Academy
Don Campbell, Illinois Math and Science Academy
Dr.Jane Proszek Gorninski, Illinois Math and Science Academy
Kavithaa Suresh Kumar, Illinois Math and Science Academy


10:55 AM - 11:45 AM

IMSA's Equity Lens

Dr. Adrienne Coleman, Illinois Math and Science Academy

A 117

10:55 AM - 11:45 AM

The Future of SIR

Dr.Luke Berryman, Illinois Math and Science Academy
Peter Dong, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

A 147

10:55 AM - 11:45 AM

Transforming Futures: The Impact of IMSA's PROMISE Program

Jacqueline Salinas, Illinois Math and Science Academy


10:55 AM - 11:45 AM