Goal 1: Social Responsibility Narrative
Learning Outcomes: Understand and follow IMSA policies and the responsibilities of all IMSA students Students will engage in educational experiences that differ from their own cultural upbringing Students will promote an equitable environment Students will foster respect for self, others, and the community Students will engage in interactions outside of their comfort zone Students will recognize, develop, and apply sustainable practices.
Curriculum/Program Guides from 2023
The Perfect World: Creating My Utopia, Cynthia Smith
Curriculum/Program Guides from 2021
Detecting Media Bias, Stephanie Broy
Can I, or Should I? Science and Ethics, Ethan Castro
Reducing Your Carbon Footprint, Eric Greenfield
Fast Fashion, Chloe Katehis-Krencik
Missed Messages: A Mental Health-related Simulator, Mia Pidlaoan
Curriculum/Program Guides from 2020
Life, Character , Action, Mansour Baalbaki and Stephanie Broy
Productivity Talent Show, Dane Christianson and Rafael Gonzalez
Online Etiquette: Cancel Culture, Problematic Behavior and Social Media, Mia Pidlaoan and Rodrigo Gonzalez
Respect Yourself, Joannah Rivera and LaDonna Hawthorne
Curriculum/Program Guides from 2017
All Hall Discussion on Social Justice Issues at IMSA, Joseph Mastrocola
Curriculum/Program Guides from 2016
Halloween Fun Facts Bulletin Board, Joseph Mastrocola
Curriculum/Program Guides from 2015
Nativist Feelings Toward Immigration, Joseph Mastrocola
North Korea is Worst Korea, Joseph Mastrocola
Curriculum/Program Guides from 2014
Underrepresented American History Trivia, Joseph Mastrocola