Faculty Publications & Research

Document Type


Publication Date

Winter 2015




One of the most compelling aspects of studying biology is that it has immediate relevance to the world around us. It is the study of life, which can give us amazing insight into how we as organisms work as well as our place in Earth’s ecosystem. This second point is especially crucial for our students to understand, as the Earth is in many ways in a state of ecological crisis. Ecosystems across the globe are changing, often as the result of human influence, and an understanding of the causes and effects of these changes is essential for our students, especially those in high school, as they will not only be seeing the ripple effects and impact within their lifetime, but will also soon become the next generation of leaders, politicians, administrators, business leaders, and drivers of industry, putting them in a position to make positive change for the future.

Publication Title

ISTA Spectrum

Included in

Biology Commons



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