DigitalCommons@IMSA - IMSAloquium Student Investigation Showcase: Session 1J: Decay of Muons into Electrons

Session 1J: Decay of Muons into Electrons

Session Number

Session 1J: 1st Presentation


Dr. Thomas Strauss, Fermilab


Room A121

Start Date

26-4-2018 9:40 AM

End Date

26-4-2018 10:25 AM


The Fermilab Mu2e experiment seeks to investigate the decay of muons into electrons. The experiment uses several superconducting magnets to create a complex magnetic field to transport the muons from their production point to the interaction region. To map the magnetic fields, precision 3D Hall probes

are used. The field map requirements demand a calibration of the Hall probes to a precision of 10-4 tesla, one order of magnitude better than current industry standard.

In our IMSA project we develop tools to a multidimensional fit to interpolate the Hall probe readings between obtained calibration data points; variables include probe position, probe orientation, ambient temperature, and current magnetic field. A precise field map is needed for the Mu2e experiment to obtain the momentum distribution of decay particles and avoid magnetic traps that could create a background.

In this year we have started to develop a LabVIEW based software to do the interpolation and data saving for the experiment. For the upcoming year we plan to take the data and finish the calibration, resulting in a final presentation or paper to the Mu2e Field Mapping group.


Apr 26th, 9:40 AM Apr 26th, 10:25 AM

Session 1J: Decay of Muons into Electrons

Room A121

The Fermilab Mu2e experiment seeks to investigate the decay of muons into electrons. The experiment uses several superconducting magnets to create a complex magnetic field to transport the muons from their production point to the interaction region. To map the magnetic fields, precision 3D Hall probes

are used. The field map requirements demand a calibration of the Hall probes to a precision of 10-4 tesla, one order of magnitude better than current industry standard.

In our IMSA project we develop tools to a multidimensional fit to interpolate the Hall probe readings between obtained calibration data points; variables include probe position, probe orientation, ambient temperature, and current magnetic field. A precise field map is needed for the Mu2e experiment to obtain the momentum distribution of decay particles and avoid magnetic traps that could create a background.

In this year we have started to develop a LabVIEW based software to do the interpolation and data saving for the experiment. For the upcoming year we plan to take the data and finish the calibration, resulting in a final presentation or paper to the Mu2e Field Mapping group.