Physical Science


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Wednesday, April 20th
8:50 AM

Background and Signal Estimate Calculation for Doubly-charged Higgs Boson Production

Nate Graf '22, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

8:50 AM - 9:05 AM

The purpose of this project is to automatically generate background and signal estimates for the H++. Drell-Yan is one possible path of Higgs production, but 4 lepton production at 800 GeV is quite rare, meaning the data becomes sparse near 800 due to the low probability of events generating in that range. To calculate background in this case and gain ... Read More

Lepton Selection for the Doubly Charged Higgs

Gautham Anne, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Dean Barrow, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

8:50 AM - 9:05 AM

The decay of the doubly charged Higgs is as follows: two quarks annihilate into a Z boson, which pair produces an H++ and H--, which both then decay into 4 final state leptons. We attempt to find more precise cuts to eliminate the most significant backgrounds – Drell-Yan, ZZ, ttbar, and QCD. We also calculate the significance. By predicting better ... Read More

9:10 AM

An Investigation of Triboson Decays into Four-Lepton Final States

George Bayliss, Illinois Math and Science Academy
Jesus Fileto, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Dheeran Wiggins, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

9:10 AM - 9:25 AM

The doubly charged Higgs boson (H±±) is a theoretical non-Standard Model scalar boson with both Drell-Yan and vector boson fusion production mechanisms. The dark photon (γd) is a theoretical dark matter non-SM gauge boson in the dark sector with Higgs and SUSY production mechanisms. We present our findings on triboson background events for doubly charged

Higgs bosons and dark photons ... Read More

Elimination of Background in the Lepton Jet Analysis through the Application of Relative Isolation Cuts

James Tan, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

9:10 AM - 9:25 AM

We look through data generated from a Monte-Carlo simulation in order to analyze exotic interactions, meaning those outside of the standard model. Our analysis is divided into two primary searches, with one focused on the doubly-charged Higgs boson, and the other examining dark photon decay. This project focused primarily on the dark photons, specifically the lepton jets that result from ... Read More

Particle Physics Project

Liam Nelson '22, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

9:10 AM - 9:25 AM

Current models occasionally misinterpret particle charges due to high transverse momentum. To this end, we designed a module that, when implemented, matches generated particles to reconstructed ones and logs the number of incorrect signs in the reconstruction. We further divide these sign flips between high pT and low pT, based off a momentum cut specified in the module. Further, our ... Read More

The Relationship Between Overlapping Resonances and Chaos in Planetary Systems

Jayant Kumar, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

9:10 AM - 9:25 AM

Studies have been conducted to determine the role overlapping resonances have on the chaos within planetary systems, primarily our own. Most studies prove that overlapping resonances are the cause of chaotic orbits, as is evidenced by the Kirkwood gaps, however, it is not understood which resonances are primarily responsible for chaotic orbits. Our project investigates the relationships of overlapping first-order ... Read More

Utilizing SOFTSUSY calculations in dark sector analysis

Hector Ibarra, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

9:10 AM - 9:25 AM

We are utilizing the program SOFTSUSY (based on the minimal supersymmetric standard model (mssm)) for dark sector analysis of dark photons. We have automated the external program with Python to give us cross-sections of dark photons while also automating the C++ graphing program to plot these data points. The two variables that are changed throughout automation are the m0 (unified ... Read More

9:30 AM

Dark Photon Generation via Higgs Portal

Andy Tang '22, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

9:30 AM - 9:45 AM

We present quantification of the potential to detect dark photons through Higgs portal decays to dark fermion pairs, as first analyzed in 2016 by ATLAS. The Higgs portal is one of two potential decay patterns under study: through further simulation we can compare it with a theorized supersymmetric (SUSY) portal and determine differences in lepton jets generated through the two ... Read More

File Input System Rework

Alexander Zhang '22, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

9:30 AM - 9:45 AM

Particle physics research involves processing up to millions of simulated particle collision events under a variety of conditions. These events are contained in Root files, and efficiently accessing these files is a crucial first step in the whole IMSA-CMS analysis. In our framework, the locations of the Root files corresponding to a condition are stored in text files, and the ... Read More

New Cuts on Higgs to WW Production

Surya Ninad Bhamidi, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Dean Cianciolo, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

9:30 AM - 9:45 AM

We present results of new selection cuts in doubly charged Higgs to WW events. This search is performed using data generated from Monte Carlo simulations using leading lepton transverse momentum, same-sign invariant mass, opposite-sign invariant mass, and missing transverse energy. Monte Carlo simulations about each of these properties were analyzed for each significant background of the doubly charged Higgs: QCD ... Read More

Selection Cuts for Doubly Charged Higgs Bosons Decaying into Tau Particles

Caroline Kowal, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Kevin Zhang, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

9:30 AM - 9:45 AM

We present new selection cuts for doubly charged Higgs bosons decaying into tau particles. The variables of the data include the leading lepton transverse momentum, same-sign invariant mass, opposite-sign invariant mass, and missing transverse energy values of each interaction. We also collect these values from data on each of the significant background events for the doubly charged Higgs decaying into ... Read More

Trigger Analysis with the IMSA-CMS Framework

Nathan Kilmer '22, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

9:30 AM - 9:45 AM

In a collider, particle collisions create around 2TB of data every second, with most of this data being useless to the actual study. To help sift through this data on the fly, “triggers” are used to quickly determine what events should be recreated and kept, based on several parameters. In the IMSA-CMS framework we used predetermined triggers alongside our own ... Read More

10:05 AM

IMSA-CMS: Particle Physics at the LH

Sameer Komoravolu, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

10:05 AM - 10:20 AM

This year, my research has focused on optimizing Dark Photon and QCD datasets by comparing characteristic variables to exclude virtual jets. The bulk of my work has been in deep learning, where I am using Root's TMVA library to create layered neural networks to distinguish between dark photons and other potential sources of particles. In the broader perspective, by selecting ... Read More

Lepton Jet Matching Efficiency at Different Cone Sizes

Robert Zhu, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

10:05 AM - 10:20 AM

The existence of the dark photon is predicted by several theories beyond the standard model. In this study, we analyze particles in the dark photon’s decay pattern, specifically lepton jets, to prove or disprove the existence of the dark photon. The number of lepton jets found and the number of recognized jets that are matched to an underlying neutralino depend ... Read More

10:25 AM

Dark Photons with Z’ Portal

Kevin Huang, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Jack Morby, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

10:25 AM - 10:40 AM

We are working on the simulated generation of the dark photon with a Z’ portal. We currently have the generation of dark photons through a SUSY model, so to explore the behavior of other production channels in our search for dark photons, we are using the Z’ portal. With the Pythia 8.3 application, we are generating these particles using a ... Read More

Estimating Acceptance for Multilepton Events as a Function of Invariant Mass

Eric Shackelford '22, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

10:25 AM - 10:40 AM

This talk will discuss a major overhaul of our data analysis architecture which permits the use of multiple file types. The code we use to work with particle physics datasets previously only worked when those datasets were written in MiniAOD format. After the overhaul, the code can be easily made to run on any file format, including DELPHES which was ... Read More

Higgs Combine Tool: Setting Limits on the Mass of the Doubly Charged Higgs Boson

Karrick McGinty, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

10:25 AM - 10:40 AM

The doubly charged Higgs boson is a theoretical particle that coulexist but has never been found. The Higgs Combine Tool (HCT) is a tool that uses Bayesian statistics to calculate limits based on particle accelerator data. I used 3000 inverse femtobarns of data which is the expected amount for the HL-LHC upgrade. I created text files that I fed into ... Read More

10:45 AM

Attempted Recovery of Invariant Mass Through Final State Radiation

Zoie Sloneker, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

10:45 AM - 11:00 AM

The same sign invariant mass histograms, produced from running simulated proton-proton collisions that produce doubly charged Higgs bosons samples, are unexpectedly skewed. While it was expected that the graphs would have a clean spike at 800 GeV, they had long tails on the right and left sides. The goal of the analysis was to use different methods to include final ... Read More

Creating and Using Sb-124 to Calibrate a Bubble Chamber Dark Matter Detector

Atharva Gawde, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

10:45 AM - 11:00 AM

One of the longest-standing fundamental questions in physics is the nature of dark matter. Galactic rotation curves, gravitational lensing, cosmic microwave background, and galaxy cluster collisions have all supported the existence of a large invisible matter component to the universe since 1933 and Zwicky's early observations of objects at the edge of the Coma cluster.

To address this problem, the ... Read More

Lepton Selection for Dark Photons

Rohan Jain, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Zhengyu Pan, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

10:45 AM - 11:00 AM

We study lepton selection for dark photon events using simulated Monte Carlo events, for application in the Compact Muon Solenoid experiment. We find the optimal filters and cuts to limit background events while maintaining the amount of signal events. The types of background were QCD, Drell-Yan, tt̅, diboson, and triboson. The types of filters implemented were based on invariant mass, ... Read More

Sample Generation and Background Plot Generation for Dark Photon Events

Reese Ramos, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

10:45 AM - 11:00 AM

This analysis focuses on automating the generation of dark photon samples and generating background plots for dark photons. The current CRAB sample generation takes in a dataset name, generator fragment, the number of events, and the number of jobs to split the events up into. To generate the samples to be used in our analyses, the GEN, SIM, DIGIPremix, HLT, ... Read More