Autonomous Vehicles: Obstacle Detection

Session Number

Project ID: ENGN 06


Dr. Matthew Walter; Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago, Robotics Intelligence through Perception Lab



Start Date

19-4-2023 9:35 AM

End Date

19-4-2023 9:50 AM


The purpose of this research is to develop an algorithm for the Duckiebot to detect obstacles in the Duckietown field. Autonomous vehicles rely on internal and external sensors to understand the surrounding environment. On the road, self-driving vehicles depend on image processing to identify cars and pedestrians. Through this research, the purpose is to prevent collisions between the Duckiebot and other robots on the game field using a vision algorithm. Linux, Python, machine learning, and a camera are used to navigate the robot and detect colors and objects.


Apr 19th, 9:35 AM Apr 19th, 9:50 AM

Autonomous Vehicles: Obstacle Detection

The purpose of this research is to develop an algorithm for the Duckiebot to detect obstacles in the Duckietown field. Autonomous vehicles rely on internal and external sensors to understand the surrounding environment. On the road, self-driving vehicles depend on image processing to identify cars and pedestrians. Through this research, the purpose is to prevent collisions between the Duckiebot and other robots on the game field using a vision algorithm. Linux, Python, machine learning, and a camera are used to navigate the robot and detect colors and objects.