An Investigation of Lepton Jet Kinematics, Fakes, and Production from Dark Photons
Session Number
Project ID: PHYS 08
Dr. Peter Dong; Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Physical Science
Start Date
19-4-2023 10:35 AM
End Date
19-4-2023 10:50 AM
Our current model proposes a decay mechanism of massive dark photons from the dark sector into two oppositely charged leptons. Our Higgs production mechanism produces two dark photons resulting in narrow lepton jets arising from these dark photons. Monte Carlo data is analyzed to find distinctive signatures of these lepton jets, such as transverse momenta and eta, that define their origin from dark photons. Furthermore, criteria are found that are able to distinguish fake lepton jets from backgrounds such as QCD and underlying events. Efficiencies are produced for leptons from dark photons in our detector to find reasonable cuts to improve lepton jet efficiency. Lastly, our methodology for producing reasonable simulation parameters with PYTHIA is verified and improved to increase our limits on the dark photon mass in the future.
An Investigation of Lepton Jet Kinematics, Fakes, and Production from Dark Photons
Our current model proposes a decay mechanism of massive dark photons from the dark sector into two oppositely charged leptons. Our Higgs production mechanism produces two dark photons resulting in narrow lepton jets arising from these dark photons. Monte Carlo data is analyzed to find distinctive signatures of these lepton jets, such as transverse momenta and eta, that define their origin from dark photons. Furthermore, criteria are found that are able to distinguish fake lepton jets from backgrounds such as QCD and underlying events. Efficiencies are produced for leptons from dark photons in our detector to find reasonable cuts to improve lepton jet efficiency. Lastly, our methodology for producing reasonable simulation parameters with PYTHIA is verified and improved to increase our limits on the dark photon mass in the future.