John Rawls : Foundation of Modern Liberal Political Thinking

Session Number

Project ID: IND ST 01


Dr. Lee Eysturlid, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy


Independent Study

Start Date

17-4-2024 9:20 AM

End Date

17-4-2024 9:35 AM


This poster delves into the seminal contributions of John Rawls to modern liberal political thought. Rawls' works, particularly "A Theory of Justice," significantly shapes contemporary political philosophy, creating the foundation for discussions on justice, equality, and the role of the state. Through an examination of Rawls' principles of justice, the veil of ignorance, and original position, this poster will explain the enduring impact of his ideas on political theory and practice.


Apr 17th, 9:20 AM Apr 17th, 9:35 AM

John Rawls : Foundation of Modern Liberal Political Thinking

This poster delves into the seminal contributions of John Rawls to modern liberal political thought. Rawls' works, particularly "A Theory of Justice," significantly shapes contemporary political philosophy, creating the foundation for discussions on justice, equality, and the role of the state. Through an examination of Rawls' principles of justice, the veil of ignorance, and original position, this poster will explain the enduring impact of his ideas on political theory and practice.