Broadband Spectral Survey of CH3OH Emission Toward Hyper-compact and Ultra-compact HII Regions

Session Number

Project ID: ERSP 03


Dr. Esteban Araya, Western Illinois University


Earth and Space Sciences

Start Date

17-4-2024 11:05 AM

End Date

17-4-2024 11:20 AM


The existence of organic molecules outside of the atmosphere can serve as an indication of life outside of Earth and contribute to our understanding of the formation of stars. We search for methanol in star forming ultra-compact and hyper-compact HII regions through the use of spectral analysis. Examining data collected from the Very Large Array in region G032.7441 we compiled free-free radiation and emission spectrum graphs. From free-free radiation we systematically removed any data interfered with by radio signals. Specifically analyzing the specific emission spectrums, existence of methanol can be determined by examining the radio velocity range and their respective flux densities. All sources with suspected methanol detections were collected and stacked to form a strong consensus on the existence of methanol.


Apr 17th, 11:05 AM Apr 17th, 11:20 AM

Broadband Spectral Survey of CH3OH Emission Toward Hyper-compact and Ultra-compact HII Regions

The existence of organic molecules outside of the atmosphere can serve as an indication of life outside of Earth and contribute to our understanding of the formation of stars. We search for methanol in star forming ultra-compact and hyper-compact HII regions through the use of spectral analysis. Examining data collected from the Very Large Array in region G032.7441 we compiled free-free radiation and emission spectrum graphs. From free-free radiation we systematically removed any data interfered with by radio signals. Specifically analyzing the specific emission spectrums, existence of methanol can be determined by examining the radio velocity range and their respective flux densities. All sources with suspected methanol detections were collected and stacked to form a strong consensus on the existence of methanol.