Poverty Prescriptions


Room A115

Document Type



Social Entrepreneurship (SocEnt)

Start Date

11-4-2018 9:30 AM

End Date

10-4-2018 10:00 AM


Inflation of medication for specialized conditions has rapidly inflated over the years putting strain on people of poverty. Some families have the daily struggle of deciding between buying the basic necessities and buying high priced medications. The huge inflation is due to both repaying of money lost for research, but also because of markups due to the chain of retailers the product must go through in order to reach the point of being put on retail to the public. According to the World Health Organization, one in four people will have a mental health disorder at some point in their life. Some common examples would be PTSD, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, anxiety, depression, and OCD. Most of these conditions can require taking not just one, but many combinations of medicines to suite the patient's situation. This may lead to a combination that bares a hefty cost to a family’s financial situation. Such combination for PTSD containing Nardil and Tofranil will cost $1,317.00 for 60 tablets of each medication. Retailers can price high due to the need and demand for these products. Our company will be different than any other that is commonly known. Instead of offering coupons that lessen prices, we will work directly with a private manufacturer to sell these medications to the public by lower prices by skipping wholesalers entirely. Our goal is to help people in need, and ease the stress and pain that cost of medications can cause on impoverished families.


Apr 11th, 9:30 AM Apr 10th, 10:00 AM

Poverty Prescriptions

Room A115

Inflation of medication for specialized conditions has rapidly inflated over the years putting strain on people of poverty. Some families have the daily struggle of deciding between buying the basic necessities and buying high priced medications. The huge inflation is due to both repaying of money lost for research, but also because of markups due to the chain of retailers the product must go through in order to reach the point of being put on retail to the public. According to the World Health Organization, one in four people will have a mental health disorder at some point in their life. Some common examples would be PTSD, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, anxiety, depression, and OCD. Most of these conditions can require taking not just one, but many combinations of medicines to suite the patient's situation. This may lead to a combination that bares a hefty cost to a family’s financial situation. Such combination for PTSD containing Nardil and Tofranil will cost $1,317.00 for 60 tablets of each medication. Retailers can price high due to the need and demand for these products. Our company will be different than any other that is commonly known. Instead of offering coupons that lessen prices, we will work directly with a private manufacturer to sell these medications to the public by lower prices by skipping wholesalers entirely. Our goal is to help people in need, and ease the stress and pain that cost of medications can cause on impoverished families.