
Life Under Water

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Overfishing is a serious problem occurring across the world. Many fish species are being removed from the water quicker than they are able to replenish. The amount of fishing each year is also rising. One major species that is heavily affected by overfishing is the Atlantic Bluefin Tuna. This fish is extremely desired as it is a popular choice for making sushi. Therefore, fishermen are able to heavily profit on catching these fish, causing their populations to dwindle. It is important for people to realize that tuna is more than just sushi, as they are predators that keep the balance in the ocean food chain. Less Bluefin Tuna in the waters means that any predators will also suffer as they have a smaller food source. This process repeats to the top of the food chain, and ultimately this imbalance can lead to drastic problems. For example, approximately 2 million Americans work in domestic fishing, and overfishing could potentially destroy this industry. This imbalance can also cause the extinction of many endangered species. It is in everyone’s best interest to work on stopping overfishing. There are processes that are being done in order to regulate the effects of overfishing, such as “fixing rivers”, adding plants, changing currents in favor of the fish and other similar procedures. These procedures are also in an effort for having an environment that better sustains the population. Larger organizations such as the World Wildlife Fund are even working to stop criminals from fishing illegally. The regulation of trades and imports of fish also work towards achieving a healthier supply of fish in the world’s oceans. These movements can be made more efficient by informing the public about overfishing and its harmful effects. Through data journalism, our group is able to inform the public on how overfishing is affecting marine life, human life, and how the problem can be fixed.



Life Under Water

Overfishing is a serious problem occurring across the world. Many fish species are being removed from the water quicker than they are able to replenish. The amount of fishing each year is also rising. One major species that is heavily affected by overfishing is the Atlantic Bluefin Tuna. This fish is extremely desired as it is a popular choice for making sushi. Therefore, fishermen are able to heavily profit on catching these fish, causing their populations to dwindle. It is important for people to realize that tuna is more than just sushi, as they are predators that keep the balance in the ocean food chain. Less Bluefin Tuna in the waters means that any predators will also suffer as they have a smaller food source. This process repeats to the top of the food chain, and ultimately this imbalance can lead to drastic problems. For example, approximately 2 million Americans work in domestic fishing, and overfishing could potentially destroy this industry. This imbalance can also cause the extinction of many endangered species. It is in everyone’s best interest to work on stopping overfishing. There are processes that are being done in order to regulate the effects of overfishing, such as “fixing rivers”, adding plants, changing currents in favor of the fish and other similar procedures. These procedures are also in an effort for having an environment that better sustains the population. Larger organizations such as the World Wildlife Fund are even working to stop criminals from fishing illegally. The regulation of trades and imports of fish also work towards achieving a healthier supply of fish in the world’s oceans. These movements can be made more efficient by informing the public about overfishing and its harmful effects. Through data journalism, our group is able to inform the public on how overfishing is affecting marine life, human life, and how the problem can be fixed.