Academically Advancing America’s Youth (AAAY)


Room A116

Document Type



Social Entrepreneurship (SocEnt)

Start Date

1-5-2019 9:30 AM

End Date

1-5-2019 9:50 AM


A STEM education consists of four main subjects: science, technology, engineering, and math. With STEM-related careers growing at a much faster rate than other jobs, it is more essential than ever to have a strong understanding of these subjects. However, a STEM education in a classroom setting requires extensive guidance from an adult, deep analysis of real-life concepts, and costly materials. In lower-income communities, schools have neither the manpower nor the budget to provide students with a quality STEM education. Parents face similar problems, being too busy to spend time teaching their children and not having the money to spare sending their children to STEM camps. As a result, many children of lower-income families lack the information and skills to succeed in a school and career setting. Academically Advancing America's Youth (AAAY) aims to provide students with a quality STEM education through the distribution of low-cost kits. These kits will contain hands-on activities, like creating a solar-powered phone charger, that apply STEM concepts to real-life technologies. Parents will be able to purchase kits through our online website or phone number, and each kit will be delivered to their doorstep. In addition to the different kits that target kids anywhere between 2nd and 6th grade, each kit comes with detailed instructions intended to create the product or important concepts learned from that product’s creation. The kits will also contain questions that require students to apply the skills they learned from it to larger projects. An online and phone helpline will be available to provide support for the kits. By making these kits more accessible through reduced costs and individuality per child, AAAY hopes to make STEM educations a reality for underprivileged children.


May 1st, 9:30 AM May 1st, 9:50 AM

Academically Advancing America’s Youth (AAAY)

Room A116

A STEM education consists of four main subjects: science, technology, engineering, and math. With STEM-related careers growing at a much faster rate than other jobs, it is more essential than ever to have a strong understanding of these subjects. However, a STEM education in a classroom setting requires extensive guidance from an adult, deep analysis of real-life concepts, and costly materials. In lower-income communities, schools have neither the manpower nor the budget to provide students with a quality STEM education. Parents face similar problems, being too busy to spend time teaching their children and not having the money to spare sending their children to STEM camps. As a result, many children of lower-income families lack the information and skills to succeed in a school and career setting. Academically Advancing America's Youth (AAAY) aims to provide students with a quality STEM education through the distribution of low-cost kits. These kits will contain hands-on activities, like creating a solar-powered phone charger, that apply STEM concepts to real-life technologies. Parents will be able to purchase kits through our online website or phone number, and each kit will be delivered to their doorstep. In addition to the different kits that target kids anywhere between 2nd and 6th grade, each kit comes with detailed instructions intended to create the product or important concepts learned from that product’s creation. The kits will also contain questions that require students to apply the skills they learned from it to larger projects. An online and phone helpline will be available to provide support for the kits. By making these kits more accessible through reduced costs and individuality per child, AAAY hopes to make STEM educations a reality for underprivileged children.