Assisting Food Insecure Students Through a Simplifying the Food Donation Process


Room A117

Document Type



Social Entrepreneurship (SocEnt)

Start Date

1-5-2019 11:00 AM

End Date

1-5-2019 11:20 AM


In today’s day and age, many Americans struggle with food insecurity. Their current financial situation may determine when or if they will even have their next meal. This uncertainty has been proven to have a lasting impact on teens and young students. Those who do not receive the proper nutrition not only have stunted growth but poor performance in the classroom. Many teens and students rely on the food provided by schools for their main meals, and often do not receive an adequate amount of food at proper pricing. This is part to the lack of funding for meals in schools with greater than 50% of students qualifying for free or reduced lunch. Food Drop is a program that works closely food banks and community based donations to distribute food to underprivileged schools. Food Drop aims to do a part in solving food insecurity by working as a distribution service where a mobile application will facilitate the donation of food from schools, restaurants, and shops that would otherwise be wasted. Food Drop seeks to increase the popularity of donating food, while striving to make it accessible for those in need to acquire food donations. Food Drop will passively work with schools, restaurants, and shops to collect food donation that would otherwise be thrown out. The app along with its distribution channels ideally would assist schools and families to provide students with the proper nutrition for growth and success in the classroom.


May 1st, 11:00 AM May 1st, 11:20 AM

Assisting Food Insecure Students Through a Simplifying the Food Donation Process

Room A117

In today’s day and age, many Americans struggle with food insecurity. Their current financial situation may determine when or if they will even have their next meal. This uncertainty has been proven to have a lasting impact on teens and young students. Those who do not receive the proper nutrition not only have stunted growth but poor performance in the classroom. Many teens and students rely on the food provided by schools for their main meals, and often do not receive an adequate amount of food at proper pricing. This is part to the lack of funding for meals in schools with greater than 50% of students qualifying for free or reduced lunch. Food Drop is a program that works closely food banks and community based donations to distribute food to underprivileged schools. Food Drop aims to do a part in solving food insecurity by working as a distribution service where a mobile application will facilitate the donation of food from schools, restaurants, and shops that would otherwise be wasted. Food Drop seeks to increase the popularity of donating food, while striving to make it accessible for those in need to acquire food donations. Food Drop will passively work with schools, restaurants, and shops to collect food donation that would otherwise be thrown out. The app along with its distribution channels ideally would assist schools and families to provide students with the proper nutrition for growth and success in the classroom.