
Document Type



Information Motivating Public Activism (IMPACT)

UN Sustainable Development Goal

UNSDG #15: Life on Land

Start Date

27-4-2022 10:20 AM

End Date

27-4-2022 10:40 AM


In our SLX project, our group will be exploring the effects of deforestation on local ecosystems and the human cost this carries. The use of wood to our species is hard to overestimate, with much of our current housing, fuel, and decorative needs fulfilled by the species. However, human overreliance on wood has had devastating effects on both the ecosystems being depleted and the environment at large. These devastating effects go beyond humans. Trees are a major source of conversion between carbon dioxide and oxygen, an essential process to keeping the gaseous concentration of our atmosphere balanced. Without it, humanity as a whole and the other animals living within these deforested areas would struggle to survive. They would suffer with lack of shelter and availability of animals as they get driven out of their homes, and other problems.


Apr 27th, 10:20 AM Apr 27th, 10:40 AM


In our SLX project, our group will be exploring the effects of deforestation on local ecosystems and the human cost this carries. The use of wood to our species is hard to overestimate, with much of our current housing, fuel, and decorative needs fulfilled by the species. However, human overreliance on wood has had devastating effects on both the ecosystems being depleted and the environment at large. These devastating effects go beyond humans. Trees are a major source of conversion between carbon dioxide and oxygen, an essential process to keeping the gaseous concentration of our atmosphere balanced. Without it, humanity as a whole and the other animals living within these deforested areas would struggle to survive. They would suffer with lack of shelter and availability of animals as they get driven out of their homes, and other problems.