
Dorm Dash

Document Type



Social Entrepreneurship (SocEnt)

UN Sustainable Development Goal

UNSDG #8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Start Date

27-4-2022 9:30 AM

End Date

27-4-2022 9:50 AM


Our main issue is that students at IMSA don’t want to get up and get breakfast. Students also have a lack of opportunity to get more service hours. Therefore we will create dorm dash. Dorm Dash will be a service where students can place orders online in the morning or the day before based off the menu in Lexington. Then student volunteers, who will aslo sign up via the website, will package and deliver the food for service hours. This solves both of the pain points because

first, people won’t have to physically get up and get ready to go to Lexington. This means that

people will be able to sleep in and still get the food they need to start their days off properly.

Second, people will have an opportunity every single day to get more service hours, so they will

no longer be a concern to the general population.


Apr 27th, 9:30 AM Apr 27th, 9:50 AM

Dorm Dash

Our main issue is that students at IMSA don’t want to get up and get breakfast. Students also have a lack of opportunity to get more service hours. Therefore we will create dorm dash. Dorm Dash will be a service where students can place orders online in the morning or the day before based off the menu in Lexington. Then student volunteers, who will aslo sign up via the website, will package and deliver the food for service hours. This solves both of the pain points because

first, people won’t have to physically get up and get ready to go to Lexington. This means that

people will be able to sleep in and still get the food they need to start their days off properly.

Second, people will have an opportunity every single day to get more service hours, so they will

no longer be a concern to the general population.