Turn Back the Clock on Climate Change


Room #1 (A113)

Document Type




UN Sustainable Development Goal

UNSDG #13: Climate Action

Start Date

26-4-2023 11:40 AM

End Date

26-4-2023 11:55 AM


Climate change’s biggest negative impact comes from its effect on oceans. The polar ice caps are melting, and as they do, the excess water fills the sea levels to dangerous heights. This becomes a problem for island nations as they are flooded under a layer of water, and their coastal lines are depleted. Not only does this endanger animal lives, but human lives as well. Second to this issue is the decrease of biodiversity as higher temperatures impact wildlife across the globe. Corals become bleached as the water temperature and salinity change. If the climate increases 1.5 degrees celsius more, 4% of mammals will lose their habitats; 2 degrees celsius more and 8% of mammals will lose their habitats. If the climate rises exactly 3 degrees more, that percentage rises to 41. Something needs to be done.

Advocacy for a new future where people actually understand the implications of their actions is what we need. We need for people to understand this movement not as a smear of soup on a painting or a protest about polar bears. We need globalized efforts to educate the common man about the hard facts. In a world where conspiracy drives us, and news sources are increasingly divided, it’s difficult to know what to believe. It’s time to go back to the basics. It’s time to bring the hard hitting stats back to the public. However, it’s also a world where the same people’s attention spans aren’t long enough to sit through a dissertation on all of these facts. In an effort to turn back the clock on climate change, we also need to turn back the clock on how we present this data. This has led us to create a spoken word piece on this exact idea. We need to go back to the days where people could sit down and connect with each other on globalized issues. Therefore, our idea is to use spoken word in the form of a countdown to simply produce the honest facts so people know it’s time for a change. Simple things can be done every day by everyday people like reducing shower times, investing in greener companies, and composting in their own gardens instead of throwing things away. It’s time to bring all of these small things together to make a true change. It’s time to turn back the clock for a better world and future for all.


Apr 26th, 11:40 AM Apr 26th, 11:55 AM

Turn Back the Clock on Climate Change

Room #1 (A113)

Climate change’s biggest negative impact comes from its effect on oceans. The polar ice caps are melting, and as they do, the excess water fills the sea levels to dangerous heights. This becomes a problem for island nations as they are flooded under a layer of water, and their coastal lines are depleted. Not only does this endanger animal lives, but human lives as well. Second to this issue is the decrease of biodiversity as higher temperatures impact wildlife across the globe. Corals become bleached as the water temperature and salinity change. If the climate increases 1.5 degrees celsius more, 4% of mammals will lose their habitats; 2 degrees celsius more and 8% of mammals will lose their habitats. If the climate rises exactly 3 degrees more, that percentage rises to 41. Something needs to be done.

Advocacy for a new future where people actually understand the implications of their actions is what we need. We need for people to understand this movement not as a smear of soup on a painting or a protest about polar bears. We need globalized efforts to educate the common man about the hard facts. In a world where conspiracy drives us, and news sources are increasingly divided, it’s difficult to know what to believe. It’s time to go back to the basics. It’s time to bring the hard hitting stats back to the public. However, it’s also a world where the same people’s attention spans aren’t long enough to sit through a dissertation on all of these facts. In an effort to turn back the clock on climate change, we also need to turn back the clock on how we present this data. This has led us to create a spoken word piece on this exact idea. We need to go back to the days where people could sit down and connect with each other on globalized issues. Therefore, our idea is to use spoken word in the form of a countdown to simply produce the honest facts so people know it’s time for a change. Simple things can be done every day by everyday people like reducing shower times, investing in greener companies, and composting in their own gardens instead of throwing things away. It’s time to bring all of these small things together to make a true change. It’s time to turn back the clock for a better world and future for all.