


Document Type



Social Entrepreneurship (SocEnt)

UN Sustainable Development Goal

UNSDG #14: Life Below Water

Start Date

24-4-2024 10:55 AM

End Date

24-4-2024 11:10 AM


The city of Chicago has long struggled with severe pollution and waste management challenges, particularly shown in the Chicago River. This project works to decrease the amount of plastic waste entering and already in the River. In order to achieve success, a machine called an interceptor is incorporated. An inceptor effectively collects plastic waste while allowing clean water to flow safely into the main sewerage system. It is a tank installed with pipework that will collect and hold contaminants. The primary goal of this project is to address the issue of water pollution and plastic waste. However, in order to expand, it must be successful within specific regions, Chicago. By utilizing advanced technology and sustainable practices, the project aims to decrease environmental harm while establishing a consistent revenue flow through the products that will be created from the collected waste. In order to create proper revenue streams, constant products will be made and sold after the plastic is collected. The product website will be advertised as a way to help the environment which will cause more people to support the business. The Chicagoland area has dealt with the issue of waste, chemicals, and other hazardous issues that have hurt the environment and health of people and organisms above and in water.


Apr 24th, 10:55 AM Apr 24th, 11:10 AM



The city of Chicago has long struggled with severe pollution and waste management challenges, particularly shown in the Chicago River. This project works to decrease the amount of plastic waste entering and already in the River. In order to achieve success, a machine called an interceptor is incorporated. An inceptor effectively collects plastic waste while allowing clean water to flow safely into the main sewerage system. It is a tank installed with pipework that will collect and hold contaminants. The primary goal of this project is to address the issue of water pollution and plastic waste. However, in order to expand, it must be successful within specific regions, Chicago. By utilizing advanced technology and sustainable practices, the project aims to decrease environmental harm while establishing a consistent revenue flow through the products that will be created from the collected waste. In order to create proper revenue streams, constant products will be made and sold after the plastic is collected. The product website will be advertised as a way to help the environment which will cause more people to support the business. The Chicagoland area has dealt with the issue of waste, chemicals, and other hazardous issues that have hurt the environment and health of people and organisms above and in water.