


Document Type



Social Entrepreneurship (SocEnt)

UN Sustainable Development Goal

UNSDG #4: Quality Education

Start Date

24-4-2024 10:05 AM

End Date

24-4-2024 10:20 AM


ReadyStudyGO provides access to technology and other students in a way that is collaborative and helps students to retain information. Instead of using AI to cheat on papers and projects, students can turn to other students in the district. The product is a combination of students’ favorite technology, like snapchat, quizlet, etc., but makes everything free and accessible to all students! All these apps and websites are combined and made more efficient in ReadyStudyGO. Our target audience for ReadyStudyGo will be the principals and faculty of the schools we are advertising to. Our main focus is the principals and faculty because we believe that in order to incorporate ReadyStudyGo into the school environment the adults have to be well associated with the platform itself. We will teach principals and teachers how the platform works and how their students can use it. They can then teach the students when, how, and why they should use ReadyStudyGo. The Main points and ideas that we focus on when getting our business out there are looking for partners, resources, and activities that make this app successful. We hope to partner with software companies and different channels that can help make our site known to the public and to make it a reliable and easy tool for schools.We hope our site can promote engagement with others, getting help when it comes to homework and making studying personal to how each individual is taught and how they learn.


Apr 24th, 10:05 AM Apr 24th, 10:20 AM



ReadyStudyGO provides access to technology and other students in a way that is collaborative and helps students to retain information. Instead of using AI to cheat on papers and projects, students can turn to other students in the district. The product is a combination of students’ favorite technology, like snapchat, quizlet, etc., but makes everything free and accessible to all students! All these apps and websites are combined and made more efficient in ReadyStudyGO. Our target audience for ReadyStudyGo will be the principals and faculty of the schools we are advertising to. Our main focus is the principals and faculty because we believe that in order to incorporate ReadyStudyGo into the school environment the adults have to be well associated with the platform itself. We will teach principals and teachers how the platform works and how their students can use it. They can then teach the students when, how, and why they should use ReadyStudyGo. The Main points and ideas that we focus on when getting our business out there are looking for partners, resources, and activities that make this app successful. We hope to partner with software companies and different channels that can help make our site known to the public and to make it a reliable and easy tool for schools.We hope our site can promote engagement with others, getting help when it comes to homework and making studying personal to how each individual is taught and how they learn.