Shelter Share



Document Type



Social Entrepreneurship (SocEnt)

UN Sustainable Development Goal

UNSDG #11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Start Date

24-4-2024 11:25 AM

End Date

24-4-2024 11:40 AM


Our project is about a way to give housing to the large homeless population specifically in New York City. We will present how our idea will work and how it will help fix the homelessness crisis currently occurring in New York City. We will show new ideas on how shelters could be more easily accessible to the homeless population and how it will better the lives of not only the homeless but also all the residents of New York City. When tackling the homelessness issue in New York City, we thought of all the things currently being done to help and how those things could be improved to increase the accessibility for all of the homeless population to better the lives of everyone in New York City as a whole.


Apr 24th, 11:25 AM Apr 24th, 11:40 AM

Shelter Share


Our project is about a way to give housing to the large homeless population specifically in New York City. We will present how our idea will work and how it will help fix the homelessness crisis currently occurring in New York City. We will show new ideas on how shelters could be more easily accessible to the homeless population and how it will better the lives of not only the homeless but also all the residents of New York City. When tackling the homelessness issue in New York City, we thought of all the things currently being done to help and how those things could be improved to increase the accessibility for all of the homeless population to better the lives of everyone in New York City as a whole.