"Using Resting-State Functional Connectivity of the Basal Ganglia as a " by Neal Modi '16, Lucy Yuan '16 et al.

Document Type

Conference Paper/Presentation

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Todd B. Parrish, PhD; Northwestern University, Department of Radiology


Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, IMSA, STEM, residential high school, gifted, student inquiry, student research, Parkinson's Disease, functional connectivity




Parkinson's disease (PD) is characterized by the degeneration of nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons, resulting in dysfunctional cortico­-striato-­thalamic­cortical loops. Parkinson's disease patients suffer from chronic movement disabilities as well as cognitive impairments and other nonmotor symptoms, which implies a system­wide effect on overall brain function. Because the disease currently has no cure, the discovery of a biomarker for specific PD symptoms is crucial for monitoring treatment potency. This study aimed to evaluate the validity of using functional connectivity between regions of the basal ganglia as a biomarker for specific symptoms of PD.


Presented at the ASNR 53rd Annual Meeting and Symposium, April 25-30, 2015, Chicago, IL (Neal Modi, Todd Parrish, Lucy Yuan, Xue Wang, Darren Gitemlan, Tanya Simuni, Xiaowei Song); 40th Annual Chicago Region Junior Science and Humanities Symposium Finalist; Illinois Junior Academy of Science, Region V Project Exposition Finalist

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