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Document Type
Conference Paper/Presentation
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Jonna Frasor, PhD; University of Illinois, Chicago
There is a correlation between NFkB, a transcription factor pathway, and estrogen receptor (ER) in ER+ breast cancer. We examined levels of expression with ER element (ERE) and NFkB, attempting to find a clone cell line representing the bulk population. Colonies were grown with transfected plasmids which showed NFkB/ER activity with GFP and mCherry respectively. After a week, the resulting Celigo scans were graphed. Clones 30 and 31 are the best representatives and can be used in future studies.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
Bhattacharyya, U.
The Expression of ERE and NFkB & The Characterization of Stem Cell Properties in ER+ Breast Cancer Cell Lines.
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