DigitalCommons@IMSA - Professional Learning Day: Session 3c: Building a Microbial Fuel Cell

Session Number

Double Session 3 & 4


Lab A200 (2nd floor) - NOTE: Double Session

Start Date

2-3-2018 1:00 PM

End Date

2-3-2018 2:50 PM


This project introduces students to the science behind MFCs and provides a practical demonstration about this type of renewable energy technology. The technology produces electricity from the byproduct of bacteria breaking down organic matter. The Alternative Energy Module addresses four Engineering NGSS standards as well as global issues such as energy supply and demand, climate change, and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. A microbial fuel cell (MFC) aligns with a United Nations Sustainability Goal, i.e. Clean Energy.

Building A MiCROBIAL Fuel Cell.pptx (489 kB)
PowerPoint Presentation with Notes


Mar 2nd, 1:00 PM Mar 2nd, 2:50 PM

Session 3c: Building a Microbial Fuel Cell

Lab A200 (2nd floor) - NOTE: Double Session

This project introduces students to the science behind MFCs and provides a practical demonstration about this type of renewable energy technology. The technology produces electricity from the byproduct of bacteria breaking down organic matter. The Alternative Energy Module addresses four Engineering NGSS standards as well as global issues such as energy supply and demand, climate change, and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. A microbial fuel cell (MFC) aligns with a United Nations Sustainability Goal, i.e. Clean Energy.


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