"1996 Convocation" by Stephanie Pace Marshall, Gregg Sinner et al.


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  • Prelude: Mr. Jonathan Bescanon, Foreign Language Faculty
  • Welcome: Dr. Stephanie Pace Marshall, Executive Director; Dr. Gregg Sinner, Principal; Ms. Beth Greiner, Student Council President
  • Musical Selection: Mr. Jonathan Bescanon
  • Keynote Speaker: Mr. Badri Rengarajan,1989 IMSA Graduate

Guest Biographies

Badri Rengarajan

Badrinath (Badri) Rengarajan graduated from the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy in 1989. He entered Harvard and graduated Magna Cum Laude with an A.B. in Biology and Public Policy in 1993. While at Harvard Badri was the recipient of the John Harvard and Harvard College scholarships, was on the Dean's list every semester, was a Harvard representative to the Naval Academy Foreign Affairs conference, and participated in the National Institutes of Health "Introduction to Biomedical Research Program." In addition, Badri was a freshman science advisor, participated in neural growth protein research at Massachusetts General Hospital, was a bureau of study counsel tutor, participated in the South Asian Association, intramural sports, and the masters swimming program.

Badri is currently enrolled in the Yale University School of Medicine with an expected graduation as an M.D. in June of 1999. At Yale Badri participates in the Student Medical Association, the tour and lunch program, and is the treasurer of the Asian Americans in Yale Medicine.

Badri served as a business analyst for McKinsey and Company, Inc. in New York from 1993 until 1995. In the Summer of 1992 he was a research assistant in biotechnology and science education policy in the Center for Science and International Affairs at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. For six months in 1992 Badri served as president of the Harvard Model Senate after having served as the speaker of the house and executive board member of the Harvard Model Congress the previous year. Badri is the director and co-founder of the Executive Branch Program for

the Harvard Model Congress.

During this summer, Badri served as a summer associate for Kaufman Hall and Associates in Northfield, Illinois.

In addition to his many scholarly achievements, Badri has traveled to Belgium, China, Czech Republic, Egypt, England, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Switzerland, and Turkey. His hobbies and other interests include flying, ballroom dancing, water skiing, swimming, jazz and matchcover collecting.

Badri Rengarajan FY96 Convocation.pdf (3701 kB)
Badri Rengarajan '96 Keynote Address

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