"2001 Convocation" by Danny Yagan '02, Stephanie Pace Marshall et al.


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  • Prelude: Kathleen King, 2001 IMSA Graduate
  • Pledge of Allegiance: Danny Yagan, Student Council President
  • Welcome: Danny Yagan, Student Council President; Dr. Stephanie Pace Marshall, President; Eric McLaren, Principal
  • Music Selection: Kathleen King, 2001 IMSA Graduate
  • Keynote Speaker: B. Scott Gaudi, 1991 Graduate

Guest Biographies

B. Scott Gaudi

B. Scott Gaudi is a 1991 IMSA graduate. Scott graduated Summa Cum Laude from Michigan State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Astrophysics. He received a Master of Science and Doctorate in Astronomy from Ohio State University. Scott is currently a Hubble Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study. During his time at Michigan State, he was named the Outstanding Junior Physics Major, the Spartan Scholar, and was recipient of the Graham T. Schmidt Scholarship. While attending Ohio State, he received the Presidential Fellowship, and first place in the Edward F. Hayes Graduate Research Forum. Most recently, Scott was named one of the "Twenty Scientists to Watch in the Next 20 Years" by Discover Magazine and appeared on the television show "Planet Finder". Scott has authored more than twenty publications in refereed academic journals, and was invited to Colloquia including the Leiden Observatory, Space Telescope Science Institute, Columbia University, Duke University, the University of Pennsylvania, and Case Western Reserve University.

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