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Fall 8-18-2023

Guest Biographies

Jen Soriano (she~they) is a Filipinx writer and movement builder who has long worked at the intersection of grassroots organizing, narrative strategy, and art-driven social change. Jen has won the International Literary Award for Creative Nonfiction, the Fugue Prose Prize, and fellowships from Hugo House, Vermont Studio Center, Artist Trust, and the Jack Jones Literary Arts Retreat. Jen is also an independent scholar and performer, author of the chapbook “Making the Tongue Dry,” and co-editor of Closer to Liberation: A Pina/xy Activist Anthology. She received a BA in History and Science from Harvard and an MFA in fiction and nonfiction from the Rainier Writing Workshop. Originally from a landlocked part of the Chicago area, Jen now lives with her family in Seattle, near the Duwamish River and the Salish Sea. Her debut book, Nervous: Essays on Heritage and Healing, is now available from Amistad/ HarperCollins.

Lily is a junior at IMSA who has been playing the piano for 9 years. She has placed in various piano competitions, from state-wide to international competitions, such as the Illinois State Music Teachers’ Competition (ISMTA) and the International American Protege Competition, from which she won the opportunity to play at Carnegie Hall this fall. Lily has performed with IMSA’s String Orchestra and is currently a member of the Chamber Strings. In her free time, she likes watching movies with her friends and going on walks.



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